Sexual Purity


Download Sexual Purity


"Galen, the great second-century doctor from Asia Minor, which we know as Turkey, says he only knows two things about the Christians: one, that they believe in resurrection, and two, that they show remarkable sexual restraint."

Jesus, the Final Days: What Really Happened by Craig Evans and NT Wright.

“With persuasive words she (the seducer) led him astray;

 she seduced him with her smooth talk.

 All at once he followed her

 like an ox going to the slaughter,

 like a deer stepping into a noose

 till an arrow pierces his liver,

 like a bird darting into a snare,

 little knowing it will cost him his life.

 Now then, my sons, listen to me;

 pay attention to what I say.

 Do not let your heart turn to her ways

 or stray into her paths.

 Many are the victims she has brought down;

 her slain are a mighty throng.

 Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death."

Proverbs 7:21-27.


An Important Topic


The topic of purity is extremely important for college students. We all have had our own journey in this area. Some of us, by the grace of God, have been able to walk in continual sexual purity. Many of us wrestle with guilt and shame from our failures in this area of our lives. It is my desire that this article will help us all, whatever our backgrounds, discover that by the grace of God we can honor the Lord with our sexuality, walk in purity, and avoid brokenness and heartache in this area of our lives.

The words quoted from Proverbs above are the words of a wise and loving father to his son, warning him of the danger of compromising his sexual purity. I am sure this father would have written the same words to his daughter as well. In the middle of glossy seduction and sexual temptation, he paints vivid pictures of the reality of what lies on the other side. It will not fulfill what it promises. It will cost him dearly. In fact, sexual sin brings the mightiest of people down to the grave. 

God is not anti-sex. On the contrary, He is the one who created it, and he created it to bless humanity! However, as the author of sex, he knows the power, nature, and intended context for sex. We learn in the Scriptures that if sex is removed from its intended context of marriage, it quickly moves from a blessing to humanity to a curse. It is like fire. Fire can bring comfort and warmth into your life, or it can be one of the most destructive forces in nature, scorching forests and destroying neighborhoods. It all depends on the context in which you encounter fire. So it is with sex. In the right context it blesses, and in the wrong context it destroys.

We see in Scripture that compromised sexuality and ungodly romantic relationships were the downfall of the wisest person to live before Jesus, Solomon; the strongest person to ever live, Samson; and the man after God’s own heart, David. What does this show? It shows that there is no one who can be casual with their purity, especially in this culture. Currently, the average college student has more hook-ups than dates during their college career and one out of every four searches online is for pornography. So, whether we are talking about purity in relationships or personal purity, our culture is missing the mark of what God would desire for our lives—and as it says in the ancient proverbs, the cost of impurity is more than any of us want to pay. Therefore, we must be vigilant in guarding our purity if we are going to honor God with our sexuality.


I was recently on vacation in the mountains. While I was driving up what I call “white-knuckler” mountain roads, I realized just how much I missed something that we often take for granted—guardrails. It seemed like at any given point I was one small move away from plummeting hundreds of feet to my death and the death of my family. When I arrived at the destination, I was a bit shaky from the stress of the death defying drive. What I love about guardrails is that they are put in places that are safe to keep you from going into places that would be destructive for you. Have you ever thought about that? Guardrails are actually placed in the “safe places” to keep us from ever getting near destruction. A guardrail on the opposite side of the ditch or river would be a useless guardrail. We must do the same thing when it comes to our sexuality. We must place guardrails in our lives that will make sure we stay away from the places that can bring destruction to our lives and relationships. 

Proverbs 7:25 says, “Do not let your heart turn to her ways
(speaking of the seducer), or stray into her paths.” It is interesting that the father tells his child to not let his (or her) heart begin to turn towards lust or begin to stray into the seducer's path. So, how do we keep our heart from heading towards lust or straying in that direction? One key way is by putting up guardrails. In Proverbs 4:23-27 we are told to guard our heart, and the next couple of verses tell us the guardrails that we all need in our lives to keep our hearts pure. It says we need three kinds of guardrails: Guardrails on what we say (v24), see (v25) and do (v26).

When we look at the lives of Samson, David, and Solomon, they all lacked one of these three guardrails at points in their lives, and there were destructive consequences for their mishaps. We see David lacked guardrails on what he saw when he set his eyes on Bathsheba and began to entertain lustful ideas         (2 Samuel 11). We see Samson lacked conversation guardrails, as he shared his heart with the wrong person and he told Delilah the secret to his power (Judges 16). We see Solomon lacked guardrails on what he would do, as he married outside of the faith (1 Kings 11). When we lack one of these three guardrails, consequences are sure to follow. 

In the book the Purity Principle, Randy Alcorn tells this story about a young man who lived without guardrails around his purity.

Eric stormed into my office and flopped into a chair. “I’m really mad at God.”


“Okay…so why are you mad at God?”


“Because,” he said “last week I committed adultery.”


Eric explained that for several months he’d felt a strong, mutual attraction with a woman at his office. He’d prayed earnestly that God would keep him from immorality.


“Did you ask your wife to pray for you?” I said “Did you stay away from the woman?”


“Well…no. We went out for lunch almost every day.”


Slowly I started pushing a big book across my desk. Eric watched, uncomprehending, as the book inched closer and closer to the edge. I prayed aloud, “O Lord, please keep this book from falling!”


I kept pushing and praying. God didn’t suspend the law of gravity. The book went right over the edge, smacking the floor.


“I’m mad at God”, I said to Eric. “I asked him to keep my book from falling…but He let me down!”


I like this story, because it gives a picture of the foolishness of living without any guardrails. We can pray for purity all we want, but until we decide to actually put some guardrails in place and live wisely, our prayers may be in vain.


Let me help you think through what it looks like to have guardrails. Let’s look at a few questions that I would encourage all of us to answer in order to put guardrails around our relational purity and personal purity:


Personal Purity:


  • What are the guardrails you have around your computer usage? A few ideas to think about are as follows: Do you need filters on your browser? Do you need an accountability partner that sees your Internet usage? Where do you use your computer? Perhaps you may want to consider keeping your door open while you are on your computer. Is there a time at night where temptation is the strongest? If so, perhaps you should not be on your computer after a set time.
  • What are your guardrails for watching television or movies? Many people get nervous when we talk about this, but the fact is if we let our minds get inundated with sensual images, we are foolish to think it will have no impact on us. When Amy and I were dating, we decided we were not going to watch movies that were rated R. We made a decision that this would be a guardrail for what we see.
  • What are the guardrails on where you will go?
  • What are the guardrails on what you will wear?
  • What other guardrails do you need that will help you walk in personal purity?

Relational Purity:

  • Do you have guardrails around who you would date? We see that when Solomon lacked this guardrail it was his fatal flaw.
  • Do you have guardrails on when you will spend time together? I have a strange feeling that activities after 1:00am are often more destructive than constructive. Just a thought.
  • Do you have guardrails on how much time you will spend together? 
  • Do you have guardrails on where you will spend time together? Chatting while laying on your bed together with the door closed may not be the best idea for purity.
  • Do you have guardrails around what your physical relationship will look like in a dating relationship? If you don’t establish these guardrails early on, I am fairly certain you will end up with regrets. Ephesians 5:3 tells us not to let “even a hint of sexual immorality” into our lives. So, I would encourage you to set your guardrails before you get there.

Have you asked someone outside of the relationship to ask you the hard questions about the details of your relationship? This could be a great guardrail to put in place.

I would encourage you to start establishing guardrails by responding to these questions. These questions are not meant to be exhaustive but to help you begin to think about guardrails you can establish in your life. 

If you are reading this article and you have lived a long time without any guardrails in the area of your sexual purity and you have the scars to prove it, let me encourage you that there is hope. As we read the Gospels, we see Jesus over and over again offer forgiveness, hope, and restoration to people who are sexually broken. We see Jesus talk with a woman who had been divorced five times and is now shacking up with another man. Instead of scolding her and pointing out the error of her ways, he offers her living water, which would quench her deepest thirst and begin to bring restoration. We see Jesus at a dinner when a prostitute comes and cries at his feet and he tells her that her sins are forgiven and to go in peace. He doesn’t push her away. He welcomes her, offers her forgiveness, and tells her to go in peace. So, if this is you, let me encourage you to bring your sexual impurity to Jesus and let him forgive you, cleanse you, and restore you to wholeness. 

May we guard our hearts! May we live with guardrails! May our sexual purity be a symbol of our allegiance to Jesus!


Relevant Scriptures


Proverbs 5


Proverbs 7


Matthew 5:27-30


1 Corinthians 6:12-20


1 Thessalonians 4:3-7


Questions for Discussion


What has your journey been in this area of your life?

What are the places you know you most need to have guardrails?

What guardrails do you currently have in your life to protect your sexual purity?

Look at the questions that are listed in the article concerning guardrails and discuss them.

How can I pray for you in this area of your life?


Recommended Reading


My Single Treasure by Rick Stedman


The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn


The Thrill of the Chaste by Dawn Eden


Real Sex by Lauren Winner

By Chi Alpha October 16, 2024
Download Friendship “Friendship is the ultimate end of our existence and our highest source of happiness. Friendship—with one another and with God—is the supreme pleasure of life, both now and forever…” –Drew Hunter, Author and Pastor For centuries, the Church fathers, ancient philosophers, and theologians have all agreed that friendship is a necessary component of living life to the full. Intentional friendship is defined as friendship mutually governed by Godly (agape) love and is a reflection of his devotion and character. The Bible is filled with great examples of extraordinary friendships involving personal sacrifice, deep intimacy, and incredible joy. Unfortunately, though, our culture is quickly losing the value of friendship. It has become a button on a social media page or a means to climb the social ladder. We all crave deep connections but have lost the art of finding and cultivating true and lasting friendships. Below is a guide meant to help remedy this problem; it also has several questions throughout for you to reflect on as you read. We often think that friendship just happens, but as Drew Hunter demonstrates, in order to recapture the art of friendship, it will take wisdom, work, and a bit of weeding. By doing so, we can restore the profound joy and deep connections that authentic friendships bring to our lives. Wisdom 1. Give Your Friends a Promotion The first bit of wisdom begins by dispelling a common myth about friendship: you are too busy. When friendships falter, it's often due to unbalanced priorities. While homework, your internship, and rest are essential, overemphasizing them can crowd out time for intentional friendships. We always find time for what we truly value, so it's worth examining how we spend our leisure time and considering if we can allocate some of it to nurturing friendships. Prioritizing friends may require sacrificing other enjoyable activities. If someone looked at how you spent your time this past week (where you were, what you did, who you spent time with), what five things would they conclude are most important to you? How highly do your friendships rank? 2. Take a Dose of Realism A second myth about friendship is that we can have a lot of close friends. Since deep friendships require significant time, it's unrealistic to maintain close bonds with everyone. Trying to do so can result in having no close friends at all. Most people we call friends are actually acquaintances. It's important to value these acquaintanceships without feeling guilty about having only a few deep relationships. Meaningful friendships will naturally form with only a small percentage of the people we know. Jesus exemplifies this. He had an especially intimate bond with John, often referred to as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Jesus also prioritized his relationship with Peter, James, and John, revealing a bit of his divine nature to them at the Transfiguration. Beyond these, Jesus had the twelve disciples with whom he spent considerable time; living alongside and teaching them. This tiered approach to relationships shows that even Jesus, God incarnate, prioritized deeper connections with a few while still maintaining meaningful, albeit less intimate, relationships with many. Why is it unrealistic to try to maintain close bonds with many people, and how can this effort actually hinder the development of meaningful friendships? Reflect on the example of Jesus' relationships and think about how you can discern and prioritize your own deeper connections. 3. Realign your Expectations Friendship requires flexibility in how we perceive and manage relationships. Not everyone has the same expectations for a friendship; when these expectations conflict, they can lead to incredible pain and strife. Let's use an analogy. Picture yourself driving down a multi-lane highway, and each lane represents different levels of relationship. We may see someone as a close friend (in our passenger seat), but they might not feel the same way and think of us in their left lane instead. Adjusting our expectations to match theirs is crucial to maintaining the friendship without forcing them to conform to our views. Conversely, if someone sees us as a close friend, even if we initially don't feel the same, we can choose to embrace and honor their perspective. Friendships evolve over time, with people moving between lanes or exiting the highway altogether. This fluidity doesn't negate the commitment inherent in friendships but reflects their dynamic nature, allowing for changes and growth. These changes can be difficult, but recognizing that they are normal can lead to healthy expectations and more joy-filled relationships. Reflect on a time when you and a friend had different expectations for your relationship. How did this difference impact your friendship, and what steps did you take (or could you have taken) to adjust your expectations and maintain the relationship? Work 1. Talk Face-to-Face Friendships thrive through meaningful conversations, especially face-to-face. Unhurried, in-person dialogues are invaluable; as John Calvin noted, “If only he lived close by, a three-hour talk would exceed a hundred letters.” While text messages sustain friendships, phone calls bring us closer by conveying more of our personality, and nothing beats the completeness of face-to-face interactions. In his letters, the apostle John writes, “Though I have much to write to you…I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face-to-face so that our joy may be complete” (2 John 12; 3 John 13-14). Conversations should be open and honest, with trusted friends having access to our deeper, more personal truths. Effective communication involves both asking thoughtful questions and actively listening. Friendships suffer if one person dominates the conversation or if there is a lack of engagement. The best friendships balance serious discussions with light-hearted moments, ensuring a mix of levity and gravity. Think about a recent face-to-face conversation you had with a friend. How did this interaction compare to your typical text or phone conversations in terms of depth and connection? What did you notice about the value of in-person dialogue? What practical ways can you pursue more face-to-face time with friends? 2. Do Things Side-by-Side Friendships flourish through shared experiences and spending time together. To build such experiences, invite friends into your existing activities, like watching shows, walking, or shopping. Creating regular rhythms, such as biweekly coffee or weekly dinners, helps maintain these connections. When regularity is challenging, spontaneity and sacrifice can sustain friendships. Ultimately, the essence of friendship lies in being together, regardless of the activity. Think about a recent shared experience you had with a friend. How did participating in an activity together impact your relationship? What did you learn about your friend or yourself during this time? Consider the idea of creating regular rhythms, such as biweekly coffee or weekly dinners. What regular activities could you establish with your friends to maintain consistent connections? How would these routines fit into your current schedule? 3. Encourage From the Heart Encouragement is vital for sustaining friendships, akin to oxygen for the soul. Like thin air at high altitudes, relationships suffer without affirmation and encouragement while thriving in an atmosphere thick with support. The apostle Paul exemplifies this practice, often affirming individuals in his letters. Although initially uncomfortable, affirming others becomes more natural over time and can transform relational cultures. Written notes are particularly powerful tools for encouragement, providing ongoing support and affirmation, and you can return to and reread them at any time. Think about a time when you received encouragement from a friend. How did it impact your relationship and your personal well-being? What specific aspects of their encouragement were most meaningful to you? Reflect on your own habits of affirming and encouraging others. How comfortable are you with giving genuine affirmation? What steps can you take to make this practice a more natural and regular part of your interactions? Weeding Once we've applied wisdom and put in the necessary work, we must address detrimental elements in our friendships. Like weeding a garden, we must also uproot negative influences to maintain the health of our relationships. 1. Burden Be mindful of inconsiderate behavior in friendships. Proverbs warns against actions that can burden rather than uplift. “ Whoever blesses his neighbor with a loud voice, rising early in the morning will be counted as cursing (27:14). Such gestures, while well-intentioned, may have bad timing and be perceived as inconsiderate. Also, avoid causing friendship fatigue by not overwhelming friends with excessive time together. “Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor's house lest he have his fill of you and hate you (25:17).” While spending significant time with friends is important, smothering them can lead to resentment. 2. Gossip Gossip is a poison within friendships, capable of easily dismantling the trust painstakingly built over time and ruining relationships. Proverbs cautions that even the faintest whisper can drive a wedge between the closest of friends (16:28). Such talk corrodes the very essence of friendship by sowing seeds of doubt and apprehension, making people wary of sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings. Indeed, the cornerstone of authentic friendship lies in the sacred trust shared between friends—a bond forged through years of shared experiences, vulnerabilities, and confidences. To breach this trust through gossip is to cause incredible harm and fracture connections that are difficult to mend. 3. Self-focus Every behavior that chokes out true friendships stems from a focus on oneself rather than on fostering healthy relationships. A self-centered attitude leads to a tendency to dwell on how others have wronged us rather than reflecting on our own shortcomings. True friendship requires a posture of repentance, where we acknowledge and address our own faults. By extending grace to our friends and accepting imperfection, we create an environment where authentic friendships can flourish. Which of the three relational weeds do you see most prevalent in your life (burden, gossip, or self-focus)? What are some ways you can uproot it? Relevant Scriptures : Deuteronomy 13:6 1 Samuel 18:1-4 Proverbs 16:28; 25:17; 27:14 John 15:15 2 John 12 3 John 13-14 Recommended Reading: Made For Friendship by Drew Hunter Made for People by Justin Whitmel Earley No Greater Love by Rebecca McLaughlin
By Chi Alpha September 3, 2024
Download Technology “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” -Colossians 3:1-2 As a college student, technology and the internet play a large role in your day-to-day life. You use them to check your grades, submit assignments, apply for internships, schedule meetings, and more. Not much changes after graduation; everyone from consultants to professors to CEOs to software engineers to truck drivers rely on technology for their work. And of course, new social media platforms are popping up every day, fighting for and demanding your attention. It’s unavoidable. As technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it can be easy to dedicate more time and attention to our devices, time that is better spent elsewhere. As we spend more time plugged in, our devices form and shape us in ways we may not recognize for a long time. Thankfully, this is not a resource on how to simply avoid technology in your life because that would be futile. Rather, we need to reframe how we use our devices and learn how to take back control from those who manufacture them. How can we recognize the ways technology has formed us and make intentional choices to ensure our formation is centered around Jesus? As Felicia Wu Song, author of Restless Devices, puts it, “lifting our eyes off our screens and living more deeply into the time and place in which we are embedded.” Our Modern World Think about how many times a day you pick up your cell phone. Most smartphones calculate it for you, and you can see exactly how much time you spend on any given app, how many texts you send per day, etc. Those numbers can be harrowing; we don’t realize how much time and attention we are giving to our devices. Why did we become so engrossed with our phones? How have we become perpetually plugged in? Song writes, “Just as the digital is always accessible to us, we come to expect the same of people…We have fast become a people who are always available, always on call. Young people grow up into their friendships and personal identities in this engrossing fog of social pressures, stresses, and anxieties that had–until this point in human history–mainly been the purview of surgeons, firefighters, and workaholics. (And even then, first responders and doctors were professionally obligated to take time away from their beepers).” Like doctors and first responders, our phones have forced us to always be on call. We constantly feel the need to catch up on emails, texts, social media, and the news of the day. When the internet was first conceived, it was a space you had to intentionally enter by sitting at a desk, firing up a boxy computer, and logging into dial-up internet (as long as someone wasn’t using the home phone). Now, the digital space has entered our world; it’s in our pockets, our living rooms, our kitchen counters, and even our bedrooms, all running on high-speed internet. We no longer need to “do” anything to get connected—we are connected. Smartphones and the internet differ from past technological revolutions because they are specifically designed to attract both our time and attention. Unlike devices like the typewriter, lightbulb, or dishwasher, our devices are more than just tools to help us accomplish tasks. Every day, the brightest minds in the world are tweaking algorithms and designing new apps, all in an effort to capture more of our clicks, scrolls, and likes, which generates more revenue for them. The digital world is not neutral, and it’s certainly not out to make us healthier people. The tech industry is keenly aware of this: they know that we will be formed by the habits we keep, and their goal is to develop habits in us that make us return to them. Many tech executives or former tech executives will restrict their kids from using technology because they understand how the technology works better than anyone! Digital Liturgies Every time we open our phones, we are chemically programming our brains. When we get a notification, our stress response, cortisol, is activated, and whenever we open our phones to answer a message or scroll Instagram, dopamine, our pleasure response, is increased in the brain. This cycle of stress and pleasure is very similar to what gambling addicts describe when using a slot machine, which explains why we constantly check our phones even when we know there isn’t anything there. Technology has also pushed us to be maximally productive, or as Song calls it, “hypertasking.” Since technology allows us to do five things at once, why would we ever waste our time doing nothing? Well, as Song points out, “The irony of it all is that the very technology that promises to help us organize and efficiently deliver in our lives and relationships has merely subjected us to an avalanche of unprioritized demands on our attention and our lives.” Because of these addictive tendencies and the desire to hypertask, we aren’t using our time and attention well—we’re just giving our attention away. These practices are called “digital liturgies.” In the same way that the church has liturgies, such as saying the Lord’s Prayer before a sermon or raising hands during the benediction, our devices build habits into us. When we hear “ding” or feel a vibration, we respond by opening our phones. When we wake up, instead of making our bed and starting the day with peace, we immediately reach for our phones and see what we missed overnight. As Song puts it, “in the same way that Jesus called his disciples to become a people who abide in him as he would abide in them, we too have become a people who abide in the digital, and the digital abides in us.” Counterliturgies At this point, it may sound like the only solution is to take a sledgehammer to your phone and throw your laptop in a dumpster. Not only is that impractical, but it also won’t solve our problem. Instead, we need to counter our digital liturgies with new habits, aka “counterliturgies.” The following exercises are what Song calls “The Freedom Project,” an assignment she gives to her college classes. These are not exhaustive, but they’re great ways to start building healthier practices and take control back from your devices! Stage 1: Digital Media Fast -Go without any form of digital communication for 24 hours. This includes all text messaging, web browsing, social media, smartphone apps (even the weather app!), digital music (both streaming and CDs), streaming platforms like Netflix or YouTube, and video games (including mobile games). You should also abstain from digital news, including sports updates. You are allowed to use email and texts for work/school purposes or emergencies, but try and talk to friends and family before your experiment to limit those. You are allowed to read print media: books, newspapers, magazines. You may watch broadcast TV or go to a movie theater! This is hard to accomplish for 24 hours, so don’t feel pressured to make this a permanent lifestyle, but you can take lessons from it and apply them every day! Before the fast, make plans that will help you stay offline for the day. After the fast, journal what changes/adjustments you had to make, what you did with your day, and how you felt. Stage 2: Stocktaking - This is less about change and more about understanding your current habits and responses in the digital world. Monitoring Digital Usage: Download a time-tracking app, such as Screen Time, Moment, or Rescue Time. Before you begin monitoring, write down how many times you think you pick up your phone and how much time you spend on your phone per day. Track these over 5 days and compare with your guesses. How accurate were you? Did anything surprise you? Going Under the Microscope: Be hyperalert about your digital routines for one 24-hour period. Ask the below questions and reflect on the dynamics and trends you observe. In what situations am I nearly always using my phone? Are there triggers that automatically motivate me to reach for my phone? What is my physical/emotional state right before/after I use my phone? Are there moments when I realize I don’t have my phone? How do I feel then? When do I feel engaged, joyful, effective, & purposeful? Where am I? Who am I with? “Phone Meditation” Exercise: First, sit and become aware of your current feelings, posture, and focus/distraction level. Take out your phone and hold it. What changes do you notice in yourself? Posture, feelings, focus, etc. Next, unlock your phone and open a frequently used app. Spend a few moments scrolling or messaging, then observe yourself again for any shifts. Then turn off your phone and put it out of sight. Sit for an entire minute without doing anything. Take note of any differences again. Write and reflect on this activity as a whole. Motivation Check: Put a “stop sign” on your phone, either on your wallpaper or with a post-it note/rubber band. Ask yourself each time you pick it up: What am I going to do? Why now instead of later? What else could I do right now besides check my phone? Stage 3: Counterliturgy - Try new activities that push back against your digital/secular liturgies! Create a new bedtime/morning routine that doesn’t involve your phone. Maybe start your day by making your bed, exercising, reading/journaling, or enjoying the outdoors. In the evenings, read a book, write a note of gratitude, play music, or enjoy a cup of tea! Make a “sacred zone” around your bed for five days. Create a charging station for your phone/devices that is further away from where you normally set it, either across the room or in another room altogether. If you use your phone as your alarm, buy a physical alarm clock instead! You can use a watch to wake you up while your phone is across/outside the room. Experiment with monotasking. Choose an activity: studying, cooking, chores, gardening, etc., and do that activity without focusing on anything else during that time. Start with a small amount of time (20-30 minutes) and work your way up to monotasking for longer. Protect your sacred times. Block apps, video games, streaming services, and social media during certain times of the day, such as before bed and right after waking up. Observe when you run into these limits, and whether you want to break through them or find something else to do instead. Hopefully, whether through these exercises or others like them, we can all improve our relationship with technology and, more importantly, improve our connection with the world around us and the God who created it all! Technology plays a huge part in our lives, and it’s vital to our mission to spread the truth of Jesus around the world. By having healthy digital habits, we will display a life centered around the peace and love of Jesus to a world engrossed in screens, a world longing for a better way. Relevant Scriptures Psalm 91:1 ...Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High John 15:5. …If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit 1 John 2:15 …Do not love the world or anything in the world. Questions for Discussion What has been your relationship with technology, specifically your smartphone? Which of these counterliturgies do you need to practice the most? How will your improved relationship with technology help you share Jesus with others? Recommended Reading Restless Devices by Felicia Wu Song How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price
By Chi Alpha November 1, 2023
Download Hospitality “So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” -1 Thessalonians 2:8 What is Radically Ordinary Hospitality? “Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not as theirs at all but as God’s gift to use for the furtherance of his kingdom. They open doors; they seek out the underprivileged. They know that the gospel comes with a house key” (Butterfield, 11). The practice of radically ordinary hospitality is an opportunity for us to invite those around us into our messy, everyday lives and reveal what true Christian faith really looks like. We don’t have to make an extravagant meal or know all the answers to Biblical questions to practice radically ordinary hospitality . We can do it by being ourselves and letting others see what it looks like to follow Christ in the mundane and extraordinary of our lives, including all the highs and lows. Our invitation has the power to disrupt preconceived notions that our friends may have about Christianity based on social media and the news. This is not a modern concept; we have a Biblical basis for it. Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors (Luke 5:29-32). He interrupted the status quo and made outsiders feel like insiders. We, too, have experienced the personal invitation of Jesus! In the same way that Jesus welcomes us, our hospitality provides a place for those proximate to us to encounter Jesus through us. This can bring about a radical change in their lives. This vision of hospitality should empower us to examine our surroundings and ask, “who is on the outside and how can I invite them in?” How do we practice hospitality? We must start where we are, whether that’s a dorm room, family living room, or apartment. We all have resources that we can use for the sake of others. Hospitality is about being open: open to others and open to what God is doing. Here are some practical elements to think about when considering next steps in hospitality: Invitation : Think about who is in your class, your major, or your program that you can invest in and invite. Preparation : Plan where you will meet and what you will do. Prepare your location, food, and activities accordingly. It doesn’t have to be too fancy, just accessible to the people you invite. Execution : The most important thing is to do something—do not get stuck in all the planning that you forget to actually practice hospitality. Some Ideas Host a dinner at your house Super Bowl Party at the Hub Ice cream float night Game night where everyone brings a favorite game Video game tournaments (Smash bros, Mario kart, etc.) Gather a group to go to a friend’s dance, band, comedy show, etc. performance Your idea: __________________________________________________________________ Remember, sometimes what is most hospitable is entering into other people’s spaces before they ever come to your space. Take your time and listen to God. Know that this journey is often slow, but God is present through it all. Take a step of faith and invite someone into your life. God can transform lives, yours included! Relevant Scriptures 1 Peter 4:8-10 Romans 12:13-20 Questions for Discussion What are the biggest things keeping you from having the emotional space to recognize the needs of those around you? How can you limit/remove them? What strengths & interests do you have that you can use for hospitality? Where can you start? What are the particulars about your life that you can utilize to bless others? Recommended Reading: The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield
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