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By Chi Alpha October 16, 2024
Download Friendship “Friendship is the ultimate end of our existence and our highest source of happiness. Friendship—with one another and with God—is the supreme pleasure of life, both now and forever…” –Drew Hunter, Author and Pastor For centuries, the Church fathers, ancient philosophers, and theologians have all agreed that friendship is a necessary component of living life to the full. Intentional friendship is defined as friendship mutually governed by Godly (agape) love and is a reflection of his devotion and character. The Bible is filled with great examples of extraordinary friendships involving personal sacrifice, deep intimacy, and incredible joy. Unfortunately, though, our culture is quickly losing the value of friendship. It has become a button on a social media page or a means to climb the social ladder. We all crave deep connections but have lost the art of finding and cultivating true and lasting friendships. Below is a guide meant to help remedy this problem; it also has several questions throughout for you to reflect on as you read. We often think that friendship just happens, but as Drew Hunter demonstrates, in order to recapture the art of friendship, it will take wisdom, work, and a bit of weeding. By doing so, we can restore the profound joy and deep connections that authentic friendships bring to our lives. Wisdom 1. Give Your Friends a Promotion The first bit of wisdom begins by dispelling a common myth about friendship: you are too busy. When friendships falter, it's often due to unbalanced priorities. While homework, your internship, and rest are essential, overemphasizing them can crowd out time for intentional friendships. We always find time for what we truly value, so it's worth examining how we spend our leisure time and considering if we can allocate some of it to nurturing friendships. Prioritizing friends may require sacrificing other enjoyable activities. If someone looked at how you spent your time this past week (where you were, what you did, who you spent time with), what five things would they conclude are most important to you? How highly do your friendships rank? 2. Take a Dose of Realism A second myth about friendship is that we can have a lot of close friends. Since deep friendships require significant time, it's unrealistic to maintain close bonds with everyone. Trying to do so can result in having no close friends at all. Most people we call friends are actually acquaintances. It's important to value these acquaintanceships without feeling guilty about having only a few deep relationships. Meaningful friendships will naturally form with only a small percentage of the people we know. Jesus exemplifies this. He had an especially intimate bond with John, often referred to as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Jesus also prioritized his relationship with Peter, James, and John, revealing a bit of his divine nature to them at the Transfiguration. Beyond these, Jesus had the twelve disciples with whom he spent considerable time; living alongside and teaching them. This tiered approach to relationships shows that even Jesus, God incarnate, prioritized deeper connections with a few while still maintaining meaningful, albeit less intimate, relationships with many. Why is it unrealistic to try to maintain close bonds with many people, and how can this effort actually hinder the development of meaningful friendships? Reflect on the example of Jesus' relationships and think about how you can discern and prioritize your own deeper connections. 3. Realign your Expectations Friendship requires flexibility in how we perceive and manage relationships. Not everyone has the same expectations for a friendship; when these expectations conflict, they can lead to incredible pain and strife. Let's use an analogy. Picture yourself driving down a multi-lane highway, and each lane represents different levels of relationship. We may see someone as a close friend (in our passenger seat), but they might not feel the same way and think of us in their left lane instead. Adjusting our expectations to match theirs is crucial to maintaining the friendship without forcing them to conform to our views. Conversely, if someone sees us as a close friend, even if we initially don't feel the same, we can choose to embrace and honor their perspective. Friendships evolve over time, with people moving between lanes or exiting the highway altogether. This fluidity doesn't negate the commitment inherent in friendships but reflects their dynamic nature, allowing for changes and growth. These changes can be difficult, but recognizing that they are normal can lead to healthy expectations and more joy-filled relationships. Reflect on a time when you and a friend had different expectations for your relationship. How did this difference impact your friendship, and what steps did you take (or could you have taken) to adjust your expectations and maintain the relationship? Work 1. Talk Face-to-Face Friendships thrive through meaningful conversations, especially face-to-face. Unhurried, in-person dialogues are invaluable; as John Calvin noted, “If only he lived close by, a three-hour talk would exceed a hundred letters.” While text messages sustain friendships, phone calls bring us closer by conveying more of our personality, and nothing beats the completeness of face-to-face interactions. In his letters, the apostle John writes, “Though I have much to write to you…I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face-to-face so that our joy may be complete” (2 John 12; 3 John 13-14). Conversations should be open and honest, with trusted friends having access to our deeper, more personal truths. Effective communication involves both asking thoughtful questions and actively listening. Friendships suffer if one person dominates the conversation or if there is a lack of engagement. The best friendships balance serious discussions with light-hearted moments, ensuring a mix of levity and gravity. Think about a recent face-to-face conversation you had with a friend. How did this interaction compare to your typical text or phone conversations in terms of depth and connection? What did you notice about the value of in-person dialogue? What practical ways can you pursue more face-to-face time with friends? 2. Do Things Side-by-Side Friendships flourish through shared experiences and spending time together. To build such experiences, invite friends into your existing activities, like watching shows, walking, or shopping. Creating regular rhythms, such as biweekly coffee or weekly dinners, helps maintain these connections. When regularity is challenging, spontaneity and sacrifice can sustain friendships. Ultimately, the essence of friendship lies in being together, regardless of the activity. Think about a recent shared experience you had with a friend. How did participating in an activity together impact your relationship? What did you learn about your friend or yourself during this time? Consider the idea of creating regular rhythms, such as biweekly coffee or weekly dinners. What regular activities could you establish with your friends to maintain consistent connections? How would these routines fit into your current schedule? 3. Encourage From the Heart Encouragement is vital for sustaining friendships, akin to oxygen for the soul. Like thin air at high altitudes, relationships suffer without affirmation and encouragement while thriving in an atmosphere thick with support. The apostle Paul exemplifies this practice, often affirming individuals in his letters. Although initially uncomfortable, affirming others becomes more natural over time and can transform relational cultures. Written notes are particularly powerful tools for encouragement, providing ongoing support and affirmation, and you can return to and reread them at any time. Think about a time when you received encouragement from a friend. How did it impact your relationship and your personal well-being? What specific aspects of their encouragement were most meaningful to you? Reflect on your own habits of affirming and encouraging others. How comfortable are you with giving genuine affirmation? What steps can you take to make this practice a more natural and regular part of your interactions? Weeding Once we've applied wisdom and put in the necessary work, we must address detrimental elements in our friendships. Like weeding a garden, we must also uproot negative influences to maintain the health of our relationships. 1. Burden Be mindful of inconsiderate behavior in friendships. Proverbs warns against actions that can burden rather than uplift. “ Whoever blesses his neighbor with a loud voice, rising early in the morning will be counted as cursing (27:14). Such gestures, while well-intentioned, may have bad timing and be perceived as inconsiderate. Also, avoid causing friendship fatigue by not overwhelming friends with excessive time together. “Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor's house lest he have his fill of you and hate you (25:17).” While spending significant time with friends is important, smothering them can lead to resentment. 2. Gossip Gossip is a poison within friendships, capable of easily dismantling the trust painstakingly built over time and ruining relationships. Proverbs cautions that even the faintest whisper can drive a wedge between the closest of friends (16:28). Such talk corrodes the very essence of friendship by sowing seeds of doubt and apprehension, making people wary of sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings. Indeed, the cornerstone of authentic friendship lies in the sacred trust shared between friends—a bond forged through years of shared experiences, vulnerabilities, and confidences. To breach this trust through gossip is to cause incredible harm and fracture connections that are difficult to mend. 3. Self-focus Every behavior that chokes out true friendships stems from a focus on oneself rather than on fostering healthy relationships. A self-centered attitude leads to a tendency to dwell on how others have wronged us rather than reflecting on our own shortcomings. True friendship requires a posture of repentance, where we acknowledge and address our own faults. By extending grace to our friends and accepting imperfection, we create an environment where authentic friendships can flourish. Which of the three relational weeds do you see most prevalent in your life (burden, gossip, or self-focus)? What are some ways you can uproot it? Relevant Scriptures : Deuteronomy 13:6 1 Samuel 18:1-4 Proverbs 16:28; 25:17; 27:14 John 15:15 2 John 12 3 John 13-14 Recommended Reading: Made For Friendship by Drew Hunter Made for People by Justin Whitmel Earley No Greater Love by Rebecca McLaughlin
By Chi Alpha September 3, 2024
Download Technology “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” -Colossians 3:1-2 As a college student, technology and the internet play a large role in your day-to-day life. You use them to check your grades, submit assignments, apply for internships, schedule meetings, and more. Not much changes after graduation; everyone from consultants to professors to CEOs to software engineers to truck drivers rely on technology for their work. And of course, new social media platforms are popping up every day, fighting for and demanding your attention. It’s unavoidable. As technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it can be easy to dedicate more time and attention to our devices, time that is better spent elsewhere. As we spend more time plugged in, our devices form and shape us in ways we may not recognize for a long time. Thankfully, this is not a resource on how to simply avoid technology in your life because that would be futile. Rather, we need to reframe how we use our devices and learn how to take back control from those who manufacture them. How can we recognize the ways technology has formed us and make intentional choices to ensure our formation is centered around Jesus? As Felicia Wu Song, author of Restless Devices, puts it, “lifting our eyes off our screens and living more deeply into the time and place in which we are embedded.” Our Modern World Think about how many times a day you pick up your cell phone. Most smartphones calculate it for you, and you can see exactly how much time you spend on any given app, how many texts you send per day, etc. Those numbers can be harrowing; we don’t realize how much time and attention we are giving to our devices. Why did we become so engrossed with our phones? How have we become perpetually plugged in? Song writes, “Just as the digital is always accessible to us, we come to expect the same of people…We have fast become a people who are always available, always on call. Young people grow up into their friendships and personal identities in this engrossing fog of social pressures, stresses, and anxieties that had–until this point in human history–mainly been the purview of surgeons, firefighters, and workaholics. (And even then, first responders and doctors were professionally obligated to take time away from their beepers).” Like doctors and first responders, our phones have forced us to always be on call. We constantly feel the need to catch up on emails, texts, social media, and the news of the day. When the internet was first conceived, it was a space you had to intentionally enter by sitting at a desk, firing up a boxy computer, and logging into dial-up internet (as long as someone wasn’t using the home phone). Now, the digital space has entered our world; it’s in our pockets, our living rooms, our kitchen counters, and even our bedrooms, all running on high-speed internet. We no longer need to “do” anything to get connected—we are connected. Smartphones and the internet differ from past technological revolutions because they are specifically designed to attract both our time and attention. Unlike devices like the typewriter, lightbulb, or dishwasher, our devices are more than just tools to help us accomplish tasks. Every day, the brightest minds in the world are tweaking algorithms and designing new apps, all in an effort to capture more of our clicks, scrolls, and likes, which generates more revenue for them. The digital world is not neutral, and it’s certainly not out to make us healthier people. The tech industry is keenly aware of this: they know that we will be formed by the habits we keep, and their goal is to develop habits in us that make us return to them. Many tech executives or former tech executives will restrict their kids from using technology because they understand how the technology works better than anyone! Digital Liturgies Every time we open our phones, we are chemically programming our brains. When we get a notification, our stress response, cortisol, is activated, and whenever we open our phones to answer a message or scroll Instagram, dopamine, our pleasure response, is increased in the brain. This cycle of stress and pleasure is very similar to what gambling addicts describe when using a slot machine, which explains why we constantly check our phones even when we know there isn’t anything there. Technology has also pushed us to be maximally productive, or as Song calls it, “hypertasking.” Since technology allows us to do five things at once, why would we ever waste our time doing nothing? Well, as Song points out, “The irony of it all is that the very technology that promises to help us organize and efficiently deliver in our lives and relationships has merely subjected us to an avalanche of unprioritized demands on our attention and our lives.” Because of these addictive tendencies and the desire to hypertask, we aren’t using our time and attention well—we’re just giving our attention away. These practices are called “digital liturgies.” In the same way that the church has liturgies, such as saying the Lord’s Prayer before a sermon or raising hands during the benediction, our devices build habits into us. When we hear “ding” or feel a vibration, we respond by opening our phones. When we wake up, instead of making our bed and starting the day with peace, we immediately reach for our phones and see what we missed overnight. As Song puts it, “in the same way that Jesus called his disciples to become a people who abide in him as he would abide in them, we too have become a people who abide in the digital, and the digital abides in us.” Counterliturgies At this point, it may sound like the only solution is to take a sledgehammer to your phone and throw your laptop in a dumpster. Not only is that impractical, but it also won’t solve our problem. Instead, we need to counter our digital liturgies with new habits, aka “counterliturgies.” The following exercises are what Song calls “The Freedom Project,” an assignment she gives to her college classes. These are not exhaustive, but they’re great ways to start building healthier practices and take control back from your devices! Stage 1: Digital Media Fast -Go without any form of digital communication for 24 hours. This includes all text messaging, web browsing, social media, smartphone apps (even the weather app!), digital music (both streaming and CDs), streaming platforms like Netflix or YouTube, and video games (including mobile games). You should also abstain from digital news, including sports updates. You are allowed to use email and texts for work/school purposes or emergencies, but try and talk to friends and family before your experiment to limit those. You are allowed to read print media: books, newspapers, magazines. You may watch broadcast TV or go to a movie theater! This is hard to accomplish for 24 hours, so don’t feel pressured to make this a permanent lifestyle, but you can take lessons from it and apply them every day! Before the fast, make plans that will help you stay offline for the day. After the fast, journal what changes/adjustments you had to make, what you did with your day, and how you felt. Stage 2: Stocktaking - This is less about change and more about understanding your current habits and responses in the digital world. Monitoring Digital Usage: Download a time-tracking app, such as Screen Time, Moment, or Rescue Time. Before you begin monitoring, write down how many times you think you pick up your phone and how much time you spend on your phone per day. Track these over 5 days and compare with your guesses. How accurate were you? Did anything surprise you? Going Under the Microscope: Be hyperalert about your digital routines for one 24-hour period. Ask the below questions and reflect on the dynamics and trends you observe. In what situations am I nearly always using my phone? Are there triggers that automatically motivate me to reach for my phone? What is my physical/emotional state right before/after I use my phone? Are there moments when I realize I don’t have my phone? How do I feel then? When do I feel engaged, joyful, effective, & purposeful? Where am I? Who am I with? “Phone Meditation” Exercise: First, sit and become aware of your current feelings, posture, and focus/distraction level. Take out your phone and hold it. What changes do you notice in yourself? Posture, feelings, focus, etc. Next, unlock your phone and open a frequently used app. Spend a few moments scrolling or messaging, then observe yourself again for any shifts. Then turn off your phone and put it out of sight. Sit for an entire minute without doing anything. Take note of any differences again. Write and reflect on this activity as a whole. Motivation Check: Put a “stop sign” on your phone, either on your wallpaper or with a post-it note/rubber band. Ask yourself each time you pick it up: What am I going to do? Why now instead of later? What else could I do right now besides check my phone? Stage 3: Counterliturgy - Try new activities that push back against your digital/secular liturgies! Create a new bedtime/morning routine that doesn’t involve your phone. Maybe start your day by making your bed, exercising, reading/journaling, or enjoying the outdoors. In the evenings, read a book, write a note of gratitude, play music, or enjoy a cup of tea! Make a “sacred zone” around your bed for five days. Create a charging station for your phone/devices that is further away from where you normally set it, either across the room or in another room altogether. If you use your phone as your alarm, buy a physical alarm clock instead! You can use a watch to wake you up while your phone is across/outside the room. Experiment with monotasking. Choose an activity: studying, cooking, chores, gardening, etc., and do that activity without focusing on anything else during that time. Start with a small amount of time (20-30 minutes) and work your way up to monotasking for longer. Protect your sacred times. Block apps, video games, streaming services, and social media during certain times of the day, such as before bed and right after waking up. Observe when you run into these limits, and whether you want to break through them or find something else to do instead. Hopefully, whether through these exercises or others like them, we can all improve our relationship with technology and, more importantly, improve our connection with the world around us and the God who created it all! Technology plays a huge part in our lives, and it’s vital to our mission to spread the truth of Jesus around the world. By having healthy digital habits, we will display a life centered around the peace and love of Jesus to a world engrossed in screens, a world longing for a better way. Relevant Scriptures Psalm 91:1 ...Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High John 15:5. …If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit 1 John 2:15 …Do not love the world or anything in the world. Questions for Discussion What has been your relationship with technology, specifically your smartphone? Which of these counterliturgies do you need to practice the most? How will your improved relationship with technology help you share Jesus with others? Recommended Reading Restless Devices by Felicia Wu Song How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price
By Chi Alpha November 1, 2023
Download Hospitality “So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” -1 Thessalonians 2:8 What is Radically Ordinary Hospitality? “Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not as theirs at all but as God’s gift to use for the furtherance of his kingdom. They open doors; they seek out the underprivileged. They know that the gospel comes with a house key” (Butterfield, 11). The practice of radically ordinary hospitality is an opportunity for us to invite those around us into our messy, everyday lives and reveal what true Christian faith really looks like. We don’t have to make an extravagant meal or know all the answers to Biblical questions to practice radically ordinary hospitality . We can do it by being ourselves and letting others see what it looks like to follow Christ in the mundane and extraordinary of our lives, including all the highs and lows. Our invitation has the power to disrupt preconceived notions that our friends may have about Christianity based on social media and the news. This is not a modern concept; we have a Biblical basis for it. Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors (Luke 5:29-32). He interrupted the status quo and made outsiders feel like insiders. We, too, have experienced the personal invitation of Jesus! In the same way that Jesus welcomes us, our hospitality provides a place for those proximate to us to encounter Jesus through us. This can bring about a radical change in their lives. This vision of hospitality should empower us to examine our surroundings and ask, “who is on the outside and how can I invite them in?” How do we practice hospitality? We must start where we are, whether that’s a dorm room, family living room, or apartment. We all have resources that we can use for the sake of others. Hospitality is about being open: open to others and open to what God is doing. Here are some practical elements to think about when considering next steps in hospitality: Invitation : Think about who is in your class, your major, or your program that you can invest in and invite. Preparation : Plan where you will meet and what you will do. Prepare your location, food, and activities accordingly. It doesn’t have to be too fancy, just accessible to the people you invite. Execution : The most important thing is to do something—do not get stuck in all the planning that you forget to actually practice hospitality. Some Ideas Host a dinner at your house Super Bowl Party at the Hub Ice cream float night Game night where everyone brings a favorite game Video game tournaments (Smash bros, Mario kart, etc.) Gather a group to go to a friend’s dance, band, comedy show, etc. performance Your idea: __________________________________________________________________ Remember, sometimes what is most hospitable is entering into other people’s spaces before they ever come to your space. Take your time and listen to God. Know that this journey is often slow, but God is present through it all. Take a step of faith and invite someone into your life. God can transform lives, yours included! Relevant Scriptures 1 Peter 4:8-10 Romans 12:13-20 Questions for Discussion What are the biggest things keeping you from having the emotional space to recognize the needs of those around you? How can you limit/remove them? What strengths & interests do you have that you can use for hospitality? Where can you start? What are the particulars about your life that you can utilize to bless others? Recommended Reading: The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield
By Chi Alpha February 22, 2023
Download Engaging Culture “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” - Romans 12:2 Christian Living Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about social media? Or how Jesus would have responded to any of the other hot topics in our culture? Frankly, the Bible has a lot more to say about farming than it does about social media. Yet, we know that God’s Word was given to show us how to live not just in the age of Jesus, but in every age following. Romans 12:2 reminds us that we are not to look like the world, but rather to have our minds renewed that we might learn the will of God. Indeed, John 17:16 quotes Jesus as saying, “they are not of the world, even as I am not of it,” about his followers. So we know that while we live in this world, we are “not of the world” and are not to conform to it either. But how does this play out in our daily lives? What We’re Up Against The average American college student faces many challenges in answering the call of being in the world but not of it. We find ourselves in conflict with the culture on everything from our sexual ethic, to how we handle alcohol, and even where we find our identity. Our college culture, and indeed the culture of our world, is always trying to form us in more ways than we can fathom. Some of these ways are obvious, like violent and sexually graphic television or music that glorifies a sinful lifestyle. But what about gossip or influencers who always tell us to have the latest brand name clothes or resources? Or how about the way we spend hours scrolling through social media, or how we confront someone over text messages rather than waiting to speak face-to-face? Our modern world is filled with intricate social structures and phenomena that aren’t specifically mentioned in Scripture, but are all deeply formative in how we follow Jesus. If you feel the argument of: “wait a minute, not everything has to be bad all the time” argument welling up inside you, please pause for just a minute. I’m not trying to say that taking a selfie is a sin, or that you need to delete your Netflix. As Christians we are not called to live totally separate from the world, yet it is important to be cognizant of the ways we are being formed by the culture. If we simply avoid the culture, it holds us back from the goal of reaching those who do not yet know the Lord! Instead, we need to think critically about how to engage with culture without compromising our witness. We are also not called to be antagonistic towards culture. It is too easy to point out problems from the outside without stepping into the world to offer solutions and care in the midst of brokenness. We are called to look different because we are citizens of a different Kingdom! Even still, we must point out perhaps the most common danger for our generation of Christians: falling into the alluring trap of relevance. We all feel social pressure to connect with people and no one wants to be considered strange or elitist or judgmental or lame. Relevance draws us in with thoughts of, ‘everyone else watches it’ or ‘they won’t listen to me if we can’t relate over anything!’ However these arguments are just a rationalization for indulging our own desires. Walking this line of thinking and questioning, ‘how harmful can it be?’ minimizes God’s call to holiness. All of a sudden, Christians who are called to be the prophetic voice in the brokenness of a culture are participating in it along with the very people they’re trying to welcome into the Kingdom of God. What Then Are We To Do? So, we are not called to live separate from culture, but neither are we called to love it. But what then are we called to? We know that Jesus lived a radically pure and self-sacrificial life, yet he also entered into some of the most rejected and sinful subgroups of society. Somehow, he formed those places rather than being formed by them. Jesus was neither separate from, nor part of those cultures - he was countercultural . Gabe Lyons, in his book The Next Christians, points out that those who live counter-culturally like Jesus: “...see themselves as salt, preserving agents actively working for restoration in the middle of a decaying culture. ... They understand that by being restorers they fight against the cultural norms and often flow counter to the cultural tide. But they feel that, as Christians, they’ve been called to partner with God in restoring and renewing everything they see falling apart.” We are the salt of the earth, and our call is to be restorers and renewers. We must learn to discern what is good, what is not, and to pursue holiness. Sin Is Sin How do we enter into culture with the hope of redeeming it, yet not be swayed by it? The first and obvious point is to know and avoid sin. Not just the “large” sins, like murder/theft/adultery, but also the sins we consider not as dangerous. We may find ourselves indulging in things like watching or reading pornography, swearing, gossiping, or underage drinking. You may think underage drinking is no big deal, but when God tells you to obey laws, your underage drinking is not just casual – it is sin. Patrick Lencioni reminds us of the truth behind our worldly ranking of sins: “...which brings me to a powerful truth that I easily and often forget: every sin is a sin. None of it is good, and all of it, in every form, can corrupt us. I love the saying “whether a bird is tethered by a chain or a piece of twine, it still can’t fly.” We must face the fact that the secular world – the one that is the theater of the prince of darkness – will be happy to see us tied down by twine. It/he hopes that we will be falsely comforted by the idea that ‘it is only twine.’” This can be a hard truth to live out. The smaller sins seem so innocuous but we have to face the truth, even if every sin isn’t necessarily equal in earthly consequence, they all hold us back from the freedom that God desires for us. They lead to death, and we are called to repent of and cease them all . We can’t have our secret sins in the Kingdom of God. Living in the Kingdom of God means that we submit our lives, in every small decision, under the rule and reign of God. In other words, we don’t have the right to decide something is okay when God has said it isn’t. It’s as simple as that. But What If It’s Not Sin? There’s more than sin to confront in the question of how to consume culture, right? What about the gray areas? Hebrews 12:1 says to, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Even if something is not a sin, it can hinder our accomplishment of the life Christ has called us to. Philippians 4:8-9 has the same encouragement with a positive spin: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Is the culture you are consuming helping you to think about true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable things? Or is it hindering you from running the race God has set before you? Maybe this needs to be more specific. Consider how these things may be forming you: Is that movie going to help you think of pure things? Is cursing helping your witness? Are hours alone playing video games or binge-watching shows drawing you into deeper community? Is the time you are spending on Instagram or TikTok forming you to look more like Jesus? These little things that we consider to be so inconsequential can actually begin to corrode our sense of God’s purpose and desire for our life. What if these small things, even more than the sins we can name, are holding us back from making an impact in our relationships and our community? Why It’s Worth It Reevaluating how we engage with our culture can have a positive impact on different aspects of our lives. In our relationship with God, it can help us to recognize and eliminate sin, ultimately leading to a greater sense of freedom and intimacy with the Lord. In our relationship with others, confronting our engagement with culture can help us to let go of behaviors that hinder our ability to form genuine connections and to love others as we are called to do. Finally, the way we engage with culture can also have a significant impact on our witness to the lost. When we choose to look different and live by God's standards, we demonstrate to the world that a life in Him is worth far more than a life in the world. This, in turn, can offer hope to others that there is something better than what they currently know. This is Jesus’ invitation to all of us, to live in the world but not to be formed by it. Jesus is inviting us to look beautifully different from the culture and in doing so, to live in a way that showcases the radiance of Christ to a world in desperate need of His eternal hope. Relevant Scriptures Psalm 141:4 ...Don’t let my heart be drawn to what is evil 1 Corinthians 3:19 ... For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight Colossians 2:8 ... See to it that no one takes you captive by empty deceit. Jeremiah 10:2 ... Do not learn the way of the nations. Questions For Discussion Where do you find yourself most tempted to look like the culture? What might be things that aren’t sin but fall under the “hindrance” category? What do you think it means to “take up your cross” on an average day? Have you ever been inspired by someone who lived differently from the rest of your friends/community? What was it about them that inspired you? Application: It is important to turn our understanding into actions. This week, fast from something you engage with regularly (TV, secular music, Instagram, TikTok) that you think may be hindering you from the race God has set before you. Fill that time with praying or reading His Word. When we refocus our brains on truth, these cultural lies or hindrances become more apparent and we can begin to submit our desires to the Holy Spirit’s transforming power! Recommended Reading: Beautiful Resistance by Jon Tyson Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons
By Chi Alpha February 22, 2023
Download Why We Forgive "Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18  How do you define forgiveness? Forgiveness is what exists in the gap between the standard God holds us to and the reality of our sin. “ Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy” (Micah 7:18-20). Then, in our human experience, forgiveness is the gap between the pure motives and actions that we desire of others, and the reality of how they fail to meet them. “ Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13). We have an axiom in Chi Alpha that says it this way: what God does in you, He wants to do through you. Forgiveness is a blessing we receive from God so that we can pass it on to others. God’s forgiveness in our lives is meant to expand our capacity for forgiveness to those who have wronged us. But what is forgiveness? Forgiveness is acknowledging that the other person hurt you, and yet offering them your mercy. You are turning over the debt slip they owe you into the hands of God. Forgiveness is saying, “you have hurt me, but the debt you owe me is gone - I will pay the cost as Christ paid the cost for me, and I will acknowledge that justice is His alone.” Our Enormous Debt Read the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35 The first servant owed 10,000 talents. Did you know that one talent was the equivalent of 15 years wages? That means the servant would have to work non-stop for 150,000 years to pay that back! Your salvation through Jesus on the cross was not just a gift; it was payment of your impossible debt. This parable compares our offenses against God to debt in order to help us understand our actions as currency in the kingdom of heaven. Remember, the King not only has the power to call us to pay our debt of disobedience, but also the right and duty to do so. He is the King, and I'm sure many of us, myself included, are guilty of treason, theft, slander of the King and his policies, insurrection, aligning with the enemy, and even claiming to be King. Sin always has a cost. Our Debt is Forgiven This servant owed his King 150,000 years' worth of wages, and yet the King showed mercy. Look at the wording - the servant asked for patience, right? But the King went above and beyond by canceling the debt instead of giving more time to pay it. The King knew the servant couldn't pay, and so he absorbed the debt himself. Another one of our Chi Alpha axioms is: when forgiveness is extended, someone must absorb the wound. This means someone lets the demand for payment end with them, carrying the cost themselves. And in this case, we see that the King is willing to bear even the most exorbitant debt, the deepest grievances. That's our King! “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Every morning, God’s mercies are new. This means every morning, we can be that servant looking at the King saying: “I know I’ve sinned. And your law explicitly says that the wages of sin is death. But will you have patience?” and He says, “not only patience, but I will cancel your debt. I will pay it myself. I will absorb the cost.” And He did, on the cross. So, not surprisingly, when the King hears of the servant He had just pardoned abusing other servants for their debt, He is incredulous! He says, “shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” In the Kingdom of God, mercy begets mercy. Consider this: when we hold a grudge against our offender, we are essentially putting them in a prison where they are unable to repay the debt we feel they owe, just like the unmerciful servant did to his debtor. We have already sentenced them to the jail of judgment in your mind. When we talk badly about those who have hurt us to others, we are grabbing them by the throat and leaving bruises on their reputation. We are cutting off their ability to respond and instead replacing it with our own pronounced condemnation. Yet the Lord says, “Love keeps no record of wrongs”, and offers us a clean slate. What wrongs are you keeping a hidden record of while rejoicing that your slate is clean? Forgiveness Inspires a Reaction Now to be clear, Jesus is not implying causality in this parable. He is not trying to scare us into forgiving others for the sake of securing our own forgiveness. Jesus tells us that we must forgive “from the heart” (Matthew 18:35). Instead, Jesus is emphasizing a significant point: if you have received mercy, you will want to offer mercy. If you have been forgiven, you will want to learn to forgive. The unmerciful servant did not personally receive the Lord’s forgiveness. Look back at what he says when he first encounters the king, he says, “Be patient with me, and I will pay back everything.” We know that the King has canceled the debt, but the servant never seemed to understand. He is frantically scraping together pennies to repay an impossible sum, trying to justify himself. Doesn’t that sound hopeless? It is no wonder he is resentful and hostile to someone who is just like him - a sinner in need of mercy. Are you living in the forgiveness that God has offered you, or are you still living as someone with a large debt to pay? Perhaps the person you need to forgive right now isn't your neighbor; maybe it's yourself. Jesus has already offered forgiveness. Have you accepted it, or are you still punishing yourself? Are you still carrying the burden of your sin, trying to earn your way back into the graces of the King? Are you still justifying yourself based on the shortcomings and debts of others? Are you withholding forgiveness over a small offense, when you have been forgiven so much? Who are you struggling to forgive? Are you (whether physically or metaphorically) standing like a king above someone else and demanding they ask for your patience, and respect your power over them, instead of showing them mercy and pointing them to the King who pays all debts? The Question You Have Been Wanting to Ask Does this mean that forgiving is abandoning justice? Honestly, some of us won’t see vengeance on this side of heaven.Our worldly justice system is just a shadow of the heart of God. He looks at what someone did to His beloved child and He desires justice for it more than we can imagine! We all will appear before the King and will be called to pay our own account. On that day that person will have to face the punishment they justly deserve before the King who has the power and right to exact it, or they will be forgiven because of their faith in Jesus, just as you have been forgiven. Either way, justice will come. Whether it comes at the final judgment, or on the Cross, God’s justice is secure. This is why we can have true peace when we allow these debt slips to pass from our hands and into the hand of our just and merciful King. When you forgive as a Christian, you can rest knowing that justice ultimately will be served, no matter what. Relevant Scriptures 1 John 1:9. " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us...” Matthew 18:35 “ ... unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” Matthew 6:14-15 " ...if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” Daniel 9:9 " The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled...” Questions for Discussion ● What do you think is the difference between acknowledging you’ve been hurt (as in the definition of forgiveness) and excusing it? ● What do you think it means to “absorb the wound”? ● What is the most difficult aspect of forgiveness for you? How does this parable address that difficulty? ● Why does forgiving not mean that you have to give up on justice? Recommended Resource If you feel like you need to forgive someone today, if you want the freedom of giving over the debt slip you’ve clenched in your hands and heart over to God, the resource Forgiveness on our website walks us through how to forgive. May the Lord give you peace and freedom from your hurts!
By Chi Alpha February 8, 2023
Download Shame "To be human is to be infected with this phenomenon we call shame." The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson What is shame? For many of us, shame is not something that we give much thought to, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t impacted by its power. However, once we learn the language of shame, and grow in identifying its nagging voice, we can start to see its lingering impact and cultivate a resilience in dealing with shame. The reality is, that we are all affected by the power of shame, and we don’t have to read very far in our Bibles to see how it has impacted the human experience. The final picture we get of creation before the fall is a significant statement that sums up the shame-free experience which God intended us to live in: “Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). But once sin entered into the human experience, the first thing that is mentioned about its impact on Adam and Eve is that shame pounced on them. We are told they sewed fig leaves together, covered themselves, and hid from God (Genesis 3:7-8). This is what shame does. Shame is something you feel inside of you and yet it has social ramifications. It causes us to want to hide from others and from God, and to cover our sense of deficiency, inadequacy, and unworthiness. Before we go further, let’s define shame. Shame is a sense we are not enough; a sense of deficiency, inferiority, inadequacy and unworthiness; a sense that you are flawed and unworthy of acceptance. Christian Psychiatrist, Curt Thompson says in his book The Soul of Shame , “to be human is to be infected with this phenomenon we call shame.” Have you ever battled a nagging thought or feeling that you are not ______ enough? The blank may be filled in a multitude of ways, but it has the same root—shame. It could be that you felt like you were not smart enough, pretty enough, athletic enough, charismatic enough, strong enough, funny enough, desirable enough, competent enough and the list could go on. This sense of not being enough is shame. Where does it come from? We gather this sense of shame in a couple of different ways. The propensity towards shame is inherited as a part of humanity, but it is also developed and fed over the course of our lives. 1. Shame is the result of our own fallenness. There is no one who is more aware of our own sinful propensities than we are. We have the highlight reel of every time we have blown it in our minds and this can lead to a sense of shame. 2. Shame also comes to us through the fallenness of others. We are wounded by the sin of others and those wounds can leave us with a sense that we are not enough. It could have been a sense you could never satisfy or measure up to someone’s expectations for you and so you developed a sense that you are not enough. It could be that you were betrayed by friends and were left with a sense of not feeling valuable. We could be victims of abuse that left us with a sense of shame. The list could go on of how the sins of others wound us, and bring with them a lingering sense of shame. 3. We live in a fallen world. A sense of shame can be developed or reinforced simply by scrolling Instagram. We see a joyful photo with many of our friends that got together and we are not there. We scroll through the filtered and curated highlight reels of other people’s lives and compare it to our own ordinary lives, and the feeling of not being enough grows as we sit alone in our room. What is the impact of shame? Shame can impact almost every area of our lives. It can impact the way we approach work. For many of us, we have become perfectionists in our work because we have a sense that we have to prove our worth. Our shame says “we cannot mess up or even be average, or we will be exposed as not being enough.” So, we work hard trying to prove ourselves and work off our sense of shame. As Brené Brown says, “when perfectionism is at the wheel, shame is in the passenger seat, and anxiety is in the back seat.” Shame can impact our friendships. We think to ourselves “I value my friendship with them, more than they value their friendship with me.” There is a sense that we are perhaps not worthy of sustained friendship or not enough for others. Shame can also impact our walks with God. When shame is present, we have a hard time understanding and receiving grace. We feel like God’s basic posture towards us is one of disappointment, not love. If shame has a superpower, it would be shape shifting, because it can work its way into any area of your life. Curt Thompson has an illustration called the “shame attendant” that speaks of how subtly shame can work its way into so many areas of our lives. Here is how he describes how the shame attendant can function in our lives: “The shame attendant’s intention is not good, is not to care for you but rather to infuse verbal and nonverbal elements of judgment into every moment of your life. The word attendant at first may seem counterintuitive, as it usually applies to someone who has our best interest in mind. But, this is how shame works, a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing. Hence, our shame attendant appears in language, feelings, sensations and images that may on the surface seem acceptable, common and normal, but its purpose is anything but being helpful. It lurks in the bedroom, your wardrobe and your bathroom (especially the ones with really big mirrors). When we wake up each morning our attendant greets us with the words “Wow, you really didn’t get enough sleep last night. What were you thinking?” You move to the bathroom to take a shower and you are reminded that you look like you put on more weight. You head out the door and your attendant whispers that the test you are about to take is going to go poorly because you are ill-prepared and wasted your time. ...And as the day goes on the attendant watches you, offering multiple opportunities to assimilate a story that tells you, in essence, that you are not enough, you do not have what it takes to be okay." How do we tend to respond when we experience shame? When we experience shame we tend to respond in one of two ways. We compensate for our sense of shame either by puffing up and trying to make ourselves bigger than we are, or by shrinking back and trying to make ourselves smaller than we are. When we experience shame and puff up it can look a couple of different ways. We can puff up with pride and try to prove how great we are to overcome our sense of shame. We may puff up in anger towards others and respond with our shame by “saying there isn’t anything wrong with me, there is something wrong with others.” When we experience shame and shrink back we internalize the sense of shame and rather than exploding in anger at others, we implode internally with self-contempt. In these moments we tend to withdraw from others and ghost people when they text. Like Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden, we tend to hide. Shrinking back can lead to self-contempt, anxiety, and leave us feeling depressed. Healthy ways to respond when we experience shame? The first step to defeating shame is to name it. When we experience an impulse of shame—we need to recognize it for what it is. We say “this is shame”. I am experiencing shame. As Curt Thompson says “to name it is to tame it”. The beginning of breaking its power in our lives is to bring it out of the shadows and into the light and recognize that you are experiencing shame. Secondly, what Brene Brown says we are to do when we experience shame is: “Don’t puff up, don’t shrink back, but stand your sacred ground.” Our sacred ground is the truth we find in Scripture about who we are “in Christ”. At the end of this resource, you will see a list of things that the Bible declares to be true about us as we are “in Christ.” It is a list of glorious truths! When we live in shame, to put it simply, we are living a lie. When we stand our sacred ground, we are letting Scripture flip the script of our lives—from one of shame to one of love, acceptance, and honor. So, when we experience shame we need truth, truth of who we are in Christ. However, there is another key step we need to take when we face shame. We need to reach out to others. Shame seeks to separate you from others, so one of the keys to breaking its power is reaching out. Here is the problem. When you are riddled with shame, what you need the most is what you want to do the least. Don’t just send a text to someone—call someone, or better yet, get in the same room as someone and share with them the battle of shame that you are fighting. There are times when the power of shame can be so powerful it seems like you are unable to absorb truth on your own. Michael John Cusick says, “Shame can be like a raincoat around the soul that keeps us from absorbing the living water of Jesus that makes us the beloved.” So, what do we need to do when we find this to be the case? We need to reach out to the community! We need to connect with people who embody the truth of Scripture. We need connection with others, and we need truth to break the power of shame. There is something powerful when we experience the truth of who we are in Christ, in community. So, the next time you face shame head on (and you will), I want to encourage you to name it—“I am experiencing shame”. Then, turn to the truth of Scripture and let Scripture flip the script from shame that is based in lies, to one of honor that is based in truth. Finally, make sure you reach out to someone else who can speak the truth and embody the truth in the flesh. The way out of shame is not in isolation but in connection! As we close, I want to remind you that Jesus was crucified naked, in shame. The cross was all about shaming the one being crucified. But, Hebrews 12:2 says that he “scorned the shame” of the cross, so that you could be saved and brought into God’s family. Jesus experienced the shame of the cross so that we could live in the honor of being a child of God! By God’s grace and the Spirit’s power, let’s live in the honor of who we are in Christ and not let shame rule our lives! Shame-defeating Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-19 Romans 8:31-39 1 John 3:1 Other resources: The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson Surrender to Love by David Benner Who I am In Christ by Neil Anderson Questions: How are you tempted to fill in the blank of: I’m not _______ enough? What are areas in your life that you have experienced shame? How do you tend to respond when you experience shame? What are moments where you face a propensity to experience shame? Who will you reach out to when you experience shame?
By Chi Alpha January 24, 2022
Download: The Task of Spiritual Formation They were being formed then. The year was 1935 and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a faithful disciple of Jesus, was tasked with leading an underground seminary in a small German town called Finkenwalde. This seminary was fueled by the radical vision of helping believers resist the growing pressure of falling in line with the Nazi movement by instead building lives around prayer, the Scriptures, and a shared fellowship. The seminary was closer in form to a spiritual boot-camp than a mere Sunday school class. There were high expectations because they were faced with a high cost. The story goes that a friend came to him asking if Bonhoeffer’s expectations for the seminary were too high; was this level of formation truly necessary? Bonhoeffer responded by taking his friend on a rowing trip to Oder Sound. He led them to a clearing where a Nazi training camp could be seen in the distance. As they watched Nazi planes take-off and land, and soldiers fall in line, Bonhoeffer began to share about the driving force behind his vision. One historian described it this way: “Bonhoeffer spoke of a new generation of Germans in training, whose disciplines were formed ‘for a kingdom... of hardness and cruelty.’ It would be necessary, he explained, to propose a superior discipline if the Nazis were to be defeated.” The vision was clear: whatever spiritual formation was happening in Finkenwalde had to be stronger than the formation that was happening in the culture. We are being formed now. To be clear, this is not to imply that we are living in Nazi Germany. Yet, what was overtly seen then is still true now – culture forms us. Always. Think about it for a moment. We live in a culture where the average American spends 4.8 hours (a whopping 1⁄3 of their daily waking time) on their smartphone 1 consuming content from someone they’ve likely never met before. We live in a culture where the sixty-hour workweek is normalized, and rest is treated as a luxury. We live in a culture where people are publicly cancelled for holding differing political ideals or social values. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are being formed. Let’s illustrate this with a specific example: our culture’s message on the celebration of sexual fulfillment. Think about any of the TV shows you’ve watched recently. Odds are, it builds itself around the on-again-off-again tension of two main characters, and then it culminates in them getting together and having sex. More often than we’d care to admit, we find ourselves celebrating this moment of our favorite characters getting together. Yet, if one of our friends came to us and shared that after a semester of pursuing another person they had finally had sex with them, would we celebrate? The Bible’s message is that sex belongs within the celebration of marriage. TV disagrees. But tell me, which message have you spent more time consuming this week? This is the battle over our formation. As followers of Jesus, we need to grow in our awareness of the ways in which we are being formed and in which direction. In order to resist cultural pressures in the opposite direction of truth, disciples of Jesus need a more superior discipline elsewhere. Our Spiritual formation must be stronger than our cultural formation. If this language of Spiritual formation is new to you, it is important to define what we’re talking about. John Mark Comer in his book Live No Lies, defines it this way: “Spiritual formation is the process by which we are formed in our spirits, or inner persons, into the image of Jesus. Or conversely, deformed into the image of the devil. Spiritual formation isn't just a follower of Jesus thing; it's a human thing. We're all being formed every minute of every day. We're all becoming someone. Intentional or unintentional, conscious or subconscious, deliberate or haphazard, we're all in a process of becoming a person.” – John Mark Comer Formation is not optional. The question is not if we are being formed but how. Will we be deformed into the image of the devil, or formed into the image of Jesus? So what do we do about it? This process of Spiritual formation should not be just a reactive step to dealing with cultural lies and lived-out sin in our lives. If so, we would already always be operating on the defensive, trying to counteract our negative formation. Rather we should embrace the proactive process of discipleship which is building a foundation that can help us resist the cultural pressure we come across when we come across it. To use our previous example, we shouldn’t just turn to the Bible to try to “fix” ourselves once lust is running rampant in our lives. Rather, if we start building a theological understanding of sex first, then we’ll be better able to handle the temptation when it arises. But how can we be proactive? Let’s look at two main areas: Kingdom convictions and spiritual disciplines. Cultivate Kingdom Convictions One of the biggest ways we can deepen our Spiritual formation is by cultivating Kingdom convictions. As disciples of Jesus, we operate under His Kingship. This means, among many other things, that we are to learn about and live under the values of His Kingdom. This includes things like honor, humility, forgiveness, loving your enemy, generosity, hope, etc. These values, as we have already talked about, are not always in line with the values of the kingdom of man. But, if we can know them and partner with the Holy Spirit in holding them dear, we can walk with a spiritual fortitude that withstands any kind of collision with the values of the world. We identify as citizens of Christ’s Kingdom first, and thus hold allegiance to His laws. A way to hold these Kingdom convictions in the face of cultural opposition is to train yourself to ask the right questions. When we ask ourselves “what is right in this situation?,” the reality is, we may not always answer from a Kingdom perspective. Maybe pride gets in the way, or bad advice, or lingering worldly views. Instead, if we can learn to ask “what difference does the Gospel make here?,” we will instead be teaching ourselves to view everything through a Christ-led lens. It is impossible to tackle every possible heart issue in our discipleship meetings, but if we proactively train ourselves and others to ask this question, we can be formed in a way that when heart issues arise, we already know how to approach them. For example, as you begin to ask what difference does the gospel make in your community, you begin to see that the Kingdom conviction is to walk with humility and to honor those around you. As such, we choose trust over suspicion when dealing with unmet expectations or conflict in these relationships. Or, as you begin to ask what difference does the Gospel make in your studies, you begin to see that the Kingdom conviction is that you are a steward of your academics, and you need to resist the cultural pressure to become a slave – indebted with your identity – to the outcome of your exams. No matter the area, the Gospel will have an answer to what a Kingdom-led response would be. Develop Spiritual Disciplines As we talk about Spiritual formation, it is also important to note that we are not purely spiritual beings. We are body, soul, and spirit and thus, we can take physical steps that train us on a soul level. Disciplines such as prayer and fasting train our souls to depend on the Lord. The discipline of reading Scripture trains us to not believe the lies of the enemy but instead be saturated in the truth of God. The discipline of Sabbath trains our souls to be filled in the presence of God and resist the lie that we have to earn our rest. The discipline of silence and solitude trains us to tune out the noise that we are bombarded with everyday and listen attentively to the voice of God. Indeed, these disciplines are necessary because the formation of the world is also in our actions: scrolling TikTok makes us crave the things we consume on it. Spending all our time in the library or office traps us in its value system, forgetting that work performance is not the only variable of worth in our life. Always giving our bodies exactly what they want -- whether that is a food or sloth or sex -- teaches us that life is only about fulfilling our desires. We learn to think that we are king of our lives, rather than The King himself. The goal of these disciplines is never the discipline itself. The goal of the disciplines is our formation into the image of Christ. These disciplines build liturgies: rhythms of spiritual formation that continually point us back to Jesus. As we are formed, the Lord equips us to be ready for the mission to which we are called. The aim of the Christian life is not ‘project-self’. The Lord does care deeply about our formation out of his love and desire for us to be like Him. Still, the natural and necessary outflow of our transformation is to wholly embrace his mission in the world. As deeply formed disciples, we can then go forth and make disciples who are likewise formed deeply into the image of Jesus. Relevant Scriptures Romans 12:1-2 Galatians 4:19 Romans 8:1-17 Application What is an area that you need to think more deeply about how you’re being formed? (i.e. social media, shows/movies, news outlets, music, etc...) Where do you need to ask “what difference does the Gospel make here?” What is one cultural narrative that you want to grow in resisting? What spiritual discipline do you think will help you grow in this area? Relevant Reading The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas Beautiful Resistance by Jon Tyson Live No Lies by John Mark Comer Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster 1 State of the Mobile Report 2022
By Chi Alpha September 16, 2020
Download Centering Prayer Resource Our Need for Silence and Solitude We live in a hyper-connected world where technology constantly clamors for our attention. Silence and solitude are scarce as we are surrounded by noise and input from our culture. However, our souls do not flourish in such an environment — Scripture and the experience of many reveal to us that silence and solitude are necessary in order for our souls to thrive. Even though Jesus lived in a low-tech culture, we see him intentionally and regularly seclude himself in order to be alone with God. Jesus spent 40 days in solitude in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2). He woke up early in the morning to be alone in prayer, and spent the night praying on a mountainside before choosing His disciples (Mark 1:35-39, Luke 6:12-16). Jesus spent time alone in times of pain as well — when he heard about the beheading of John the Baptist, and on the eve of His crucifixion (Matthew 14:13, Mark 14:32-36). Pastor Michael John Cusick says, “We cannot escape the fact that in the midst of painful emotions, major decisions, and unthinkable circumstances, even Jesus needed to make space for his soul, allowing the Father to grasp Him.” Being with God We often think of prayer as time where we will say something to God and actively engage in a conversation with Him. However, the ancient discipline of prayer contains another aspect: silence. Centering prayer is simply about being with God, recognizing His Presence and being quiet with Him. It is about being present with The Presence! In any relationship, a mark of true depth and intimacy is the ability to be with each other in silence. Silence is an outflow of intimacy, and as stated by rabbis in the past, “silence is God’s first language.” The Bible repeatedly affirms that as followers of Jesus, God dwells in our “inmost being” and we are in union with Him (2 Peter 1:3-4). Jesus said that when we believe in Him, “out of us will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38). These verses, among many, speak to the fact that our union with Christ is not something we acquire in our disciplines as much as it is something that we become aware of. It is less like drawing water from a well with a bucket, and more like opening a faucet so the living water can flow from our inmost being. In centering prayer, we practice silence so that we can be attentive to His presence. We open the faucet of our union with Christ as we experience intimacy with Him and His delight in us. God never intended our faith to be merely an intellectual pursuit. He has more in store for us: He intends to restore our ability to walk with Him out of our union with Him in our inmost being. To sit in the presence of the Divine Love is the single most transforming experience a person can have. Imagine what it might be like to sit in His presence, with no other goal except to be delighted in as His child. That is what He wants you to experience in centering prayer! Practicing Centering Prayer The goal of centering prayer is not to empty your mind until you’re left with a blank slate, but rather to commune with God on a beyond-words level. As you sit in silence, you might experience Him in a tangible way, through an image or a feeling of His presence, or an intangible way, through peace in being quiet with Him. Here are four simple guidelines for centering prayer: Choose a sacred word as a symbol of your desire to be present with God. When you pray to God or think of Him, what do you call Him? The word that most easily comes to mind when you think of God is the best place to start, whether it be Jesus, Abba, Lord, or another name for God. Sit comfortably in a quiet place, and set a modest goal. Practice centering prayer in a place where you can be comfortable, alert, and free from distractions. Aim for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes of prayer — you can always increase the amount of time as your capacity increases. Be silent with the Lord, turning your attention to His presence. If a random thought or distraction interferes, let it go. As soon as you become aware that you are distracted, simply return to your sacred word that in turn refocuses you on being aware of God’s presence. You may feel like your mind is a monkey jumping around every few seconds! Don’t be discouraged — this is an opportunity to offer your attention to God. If your mind wanders 300 times in 10 minutes, you have just blessed your Father by giving Him your attention 300 times during that time frame! Close in a prayer of gratitude for God’s presence with you. Thank the Lord for being with you during your time of centering prayer, and refrain from judging your time in silence. It often takes time for people to grow accustomed to practicing centering prayer, but for those who persist, it proves to be extremely valuable and transforming. They report a greater sense of intimacy, peace, and healing in their lives, and they are less easily triggered to anxiety, frustration, distraction or despair by the things of life. Let’s take some time to be present with the most glorious, loving Presence of the world and our lives — our Heavenly Father! The time we spend with Him will never be wasted. Relevant Scriptures John 15:4-5 ​ Remain in me, as I also remain in you... Matthew 11:28-30 ​ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... Mark 1:35 ​ Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up... Questions for Discussion Why are silence and solitude important in our relationship with God? How does centering prayer change your perspective on spending time with God? How could you incorporate centering prayer into your daily or weekly rhythm? Recommended Reading The Practice of the Presence of God b​y Brother Lawrence The Sacred Slow b​y Alicia Britt Chole Introduction to Silence and Solitude b​y Ruth Haley Barton
By Chi Alpha February 19, 2020
  Download Theology of Multi-Ethnic Community: How We All Bear the Image of God      Put in simple words, the Bible is God’s word explaining the story of who He is and our relationship to Him. And anytime you tell a story, especially about a relationship, the beginning sets a trajectory for everything that will follow. What does God say at the beginning of our story - the very first words He chooses when humanity enters the scene?      Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”      From the moment the story of humanity starts, before we hear anything about what mankind is to be or to do, God wants us to know something important ... humanity is made in His image! Any understanding of ourselves, our communities, or our world must begin with that truth. And when we begin with that truth, we can understand a few things about humankind:    Everyone has a unique and eternal value.   Because we’re all made in God’s image, no one is a second class citizen regardless of race, socio-economic background, education, abilities, etc. When we count our own value above another’s, we are driven from connection to consumption. We sin against each other (violence, discrimination, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, etc.) to satisfy our own desires, rather than looking to the good of all mankind. Most of the strife in our world is rooted in this simple truth: we don’t value each other enough.   Everyone has a God-given purpose on this earth.   We are made to bear the image of God. Essentially, we want others to see us and say: “I can tell what God looks like by looking at you.” The people of God, even with all their differences, are united as one in the common purpose of sharing His image with the world. When we forget our purpose, we begin to use our lives to glorify our image rather than that of God and His Kingdom. We believe our way is right, and anyone different is wrong. We start isolating ourselves out of pride and our relationships become more and more limited until we’ve surrounded ourselves with people who are just like us. Most of the division in the world is rooted in this simple truth: we are glorifying our own image, not God’s.      It is important for us to look at another verse as we discuss being made in the image of God.      Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.      This verse is talking about the disciple John getting an image from heaven as humanity is restored to the way God intended us to be, through the sacrifice of Christ. Basically, we are restored to perfectly exhibiting the image of God. But notice ... ethnicity, language, and culture are still distinct when this happens! This means that those things are eternal and part of our bearing God’s image! The image of God is reflected in every tribe, nation, and tongue. He is not found in just one cultural expression, but all.      Yet, if we’re honest, the world hasn’t done well at honoring God’s image in ethnic diversity, right? Every human has sinned against others, neglecting each other’s value and purpose, and the systems we create reinforce our sinful attitudes. This plays out in racism, social injustices, discrimination, and systemic inequality.      If the Kingdom of God is made of every tribe, tongue, and nation, then it is our responsibility as followers of Christ to create and nurture a culture of hospitality so that anyone from any tribe/tongue/nation can be in fellowship with us, and experience the Kingdom as it should be: a place of healing, hope, the righting of wrongs, and reconciliation. In Chi Alpha, we believe every student (regardless of ethnicity or culture) shares in this responsibility to care for those that are - and aren’t yet - represented in our fellowship. What does it mean for us to nurture a culture of hospitality that embraces different ethnic expressions of the Gospel and the diverse design of God’s image bearers?      Nurturing a Culture and Space of Hospitality      It is important to note that if you are within the majority culture, you may not realize how most aspects of society are tailored towards you. Your way is presented as the “right” way, (ex: most toy dolls are portrayed as white beyond actual population statistics) and it is usually affirmed by what you’re taught in school, people in leadership positions, the media (movies, TV, magazines), etc. It takes a conscious effort to consider how someone not in the majority culture might experience a space differently. Imagine visiting a foreign country. What are some differences you might notice as you enter a space where you might be the minority? Differences could include language, cuisine, schedules, dress code.      Now consider what someone from a different ethnic background/culture might experience when entering a space you’ve created. Do they feel like they are “at home” with their brothers and sisters in Christ, or do they feel like an outsider? Here are four suggestions to consider:       Listen : Cross-cultural community will require us to be willing to ask questions about what the minority experience is like. Ask others if they’re comfortable sharing their perspective. Then, if they are, listen. Listen in a group setting, listen in a one-on-one setting. Gain a new perspective in how others process the world you live in. Listening involves empathizing, mourning with those who mourn, and rejoicing with those who rejoice. What we hear may not always be pleasant; but we need to persevere in love to foster a setting for healing. In order to listen well, we should also be aware of current events that might affect brothers and sisters of different ethnic backgrounds. There’s no need to be an expert on all topics, but we should be informed and educated on issues that affect our friends if we hope to truly love and experience fellowship with them. What’s going on in your city, state, country, or the world?   Commit to growing as an individual : When we are in a multi-ethnic community, it is vital that we all take a posture of humility, admitting that we don’t fully understand each other’s experiences but that we’re willing to grow. Proverbs 27:5-6, tell us that we can trust correction from a friend. This means that when someone tells us how our words or actions have made a friend of another ethnicity/culture feel unwelcome (whether they are that individual, or not), we can trust that they shared this because they love us, and respond with humility, gratitude, and a willingness to grow.   Commit to helping your community grow : Proverbs 27:5-6 told us to trust correction from a friend. This also means that if we are to be loving friends, we may have to let our friends know when they miss the mark. It may look like correcting someone for saying insensitive comments or encouraging a friend to become informed on topics of gospel-centered racial reconciliation. However, we should do this in love. We have a wonderful opportunity to share God’s heart for a diverse Kingdom with people for whom college may mean entering the most diverse setting they’ve ever been in. Let’s stand up for love and truth by truthfully and lovingly correcting those we’re in relationship with in our Core Groups, houses, and community at large!   Make changes to your spaces : Think through aspects of your Core Group or other spaces that you can adjust to create a more welcoming atmosphere. Consider the music you play, the food you serve, and the words you choose. How can you challenge yourself and others to intentionally create a space where people feel celebrated and uplifted as they enter into fellowship? The hope is they would feel seen, valued, and loved for the beautiful representation of God’s image that they are.      As a final encouragement, remember to pray for unity in our Chi Alpha community, and in the Church at large. There are some deep wounds and strongholds that exist in peoples’ hearts. We need to partner with the Holy Spirit through prayer so that His power can break the effect of sin in our own lives, and in our relationships. The following is a prayer adapted from the Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland:      God and Father of all, in your love   you made all the nations of the world to be a family,   and your Son taught us to love one another.   Yet our world is split apart by prejudice, arrogance, and pride.   Help our different races to love and understand one another better.   Increase among us sympathy, tolerance, and goodwill,   that we may learn to appreciate the gifts that all races bring to each other,   and to see in all people our brothers and sisters for whom Christ died.   Save us from jealousy, hatred, and fear, and help us to live together   as members of one family at home in the world, sons and daughters of one Father   who live in the liberty of the children of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.      Relevant Scriptures   Psalm 67   2 Corinthians 5:14-21   Mark 12:30-31      Questions for Discussion   How have you seen someone respect your value? Your purpose? How could you do this for others?   Which of the 5 steps to nurturing a culture of hospitality do you currently practice? Which do you struggle with?   What practical step can you take to be better informed about the experiences of minority communities around you?      Recommended Reading:   Insider Outsider by Bryan Loritts   Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland   Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson   Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum   Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer    
By Chi Alpha December 3, 2019
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